Saturday, April 25, 2009


Back of the Bus

Friday, April 24, 2009

Sara's Bridal Pictures

I'm back and totally wiped after our turnaround trip to NC this week. It was awesome to see family and friends and I'm so grateful that I have the weekend to recover and catch up on work! The are a few pictures from a great afternoon several weeks ago - I heart bridal shoots!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The process

I'm editing pictures today (just like every day lately!) and thinking about why I do what I do. Being a self-taught product of the digital age, I take a lot of pictures, knowing that they will not all be great. For portrait shoots and weddings, usually 1 out of every 4 pictures are what I would consider a keeper. The great thing about digital is that it doesn't cost me anything to take a bad picture. . .in fact, the opposite - it could literally cost me if I quit shooting before I get the GREAT picture.

The term for what I do is "sketching" with the camera - trying different angles and light and vantage points and determining afterwards, upon reviewing the pictures, what looks best. Hence my portrait/engagment/bridal shoots are fairly lengthy - an hour or two. . .or sometimes more if we're having tons of fun.

The wedding day is a bit different in that I don't have the same liberty to take my time with pictures because things are happening so fast. But the same concept of sketching still applies - I shoot and shoot and shoot and shoot - and depending who is helping me, I may take 40-50 gigabytes of pictures - good grief! But that is my key to making sure there are great ones.

I suppose the reason I'm sharing this is to shape expectations of me and how a shoot will go. I with I were a photographic genius and were only able to take perfect pictures, but unfortunately that's not the case. So that's why I won't take 20 pictures and call it a day! I want your pictures to be awesome and unique, and I'm committed to taking the time to create great work.

Allrighty then, back to work!!

Sunday, April 12, 2009


Windows and Kisses

Friday, April 10, 2009

Matthew & Abby

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The coolest office ever

It's funny how I can go a week or two without any good blog ideas and then three pop up in one day! I've been busy I suppose! I helped Chrissie hang canvas prints of her son today, and they look SO cool. Her office looks over the city, and it was awesome to start with, but now it looks even better! The picture above is a mock-up of what it looks like, but they're even better in real life.


Katie & Shayne

We just finished up our first wedding for the year! Click here to see so more pictures.