Friday, February 27, 2009


The neverending quest for the perfect business card continues! These are fun because there's so many different pictures to choose from!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


No this picture isn't wedding-related, but it is so special to get the chance to photograph twins, and they're CUTE!!

Monday, February 16, 2009


Album design season is here! Here is one that we just finished up:

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Good Advice Part 2

I think the most helpful thing during my wedding planning was having vendors that I knew and could trust...our cake was done by someone I work with and our flowers were all taken care of by a family friend...and during the ceremony we had a lot of help and participation from family and friends. So, I could rest at ease because I knew at least the food, flowers, cake, and photography would be great! I did not stress too much about those plans because I knew they were in good hands.
And, a piece of advice to newly engaged couples...take one day at a time! It's an overwhelming process and a big event to plan...but keep in mind that it's only one day and it's more about the journey and your life, don't get caught up in the little details and don't take your stress out on each other :) Have fun and enjoy it...because it's over in a flash!

Good Advice

1. Most helpful resource: Google (ha! but ain't it the truth?)Also I loved
2. What advice would you give to a friend who was recently engaged?

The same advice a friend gave us on his wedding day. We were all on a bus leaving the wedding/reception for a night on the town, having a blast, and he says "NOTHING went right today. We planned and planned and planned, and virtually nothing happened the way we had envisioned... and it's still the best day of my life!"

They were great words of wisdom. Because of that, I had mentally prepared myself that on our wedding day, things would "go wrong"... and they did... (my grandparents suddenly couldn't come, hair catastrophe, bridesmaid was 30 minutes late to take us to the church, florist made the wrong wedding bouquet, our ringbearer chickened out, I cut my hand after the rehearsal dinner... still have a scar in fact haha, got no sleep and had to sleep on my couch the night before because my MOH was a snoring machine, the band disappeared from the reception for 30 minutes, the father/daughter dance music stopped playing, wedding cake wasn't what we asked for...)

I told myself that nothing was going to keep me from enjoying my wedding day. And nothing did!

So I have to add several of my memories. The band mysteriously disappeared during the Alabama-Florida game. . .hmmm, I wonder where they were? The flowers, once they were fixed, looked great! And even though the pre-wedding pictures got started a little late, we still had plenty of time. . .seriously, their pictures were crazy-good!!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Katie & Shane

One of the all-time great photographers was a guy named Henri Cartier-Breeson, who would walk around with a camera and take completely amazing candid pictures. I love the one above, because it has a bit of that feel - as if I was walking down the street and happened across this great moment.

Thanks Katie & Shane! What a fun afternoon!!