Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Good Advice Part 2

I think the most helpful thing during my wedding planning was having vendors that I knew and could trust...our cake was done by someone I work with and our flowers were all taken care of by a family friend...and during the ceremony we had a lot of help and participation from family and friends. So, I could rest at ease because I knew at least the food, flowers, cake, and photography would be great! I did not stress too much about those plans because I knew they were in good hands.
And, a piece of advice to newly engaged couples...take one day at a time! It's an overwhelming process and a big event to plan...but keep in mind that it's only one day and it's more about the journey and your life together...so, don't get caught up in the little details and don't take your stress out on each other :) Have fun and enjoy it...because it's over in a flash!

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